A Sacred Hive Collective

A Sacred Hive Collective


Facets of Realities: The Nature of This False Reality

A World Trapped in a Holographic Construct

A World Trapped in a Holographic Construct

Our Reality is a Fabrication. Are we just a product of it? Or Beyond it? 

“Do you want to know the truth of this reality?

The secret operations discovered, through experimentation and exploration, that this reality is an artificial construct designed by interdimensional beings that create artificial time-domains which are like data-banks of conscious experience programmed over and over in different ways to keep people in the same loops of thought and behavior.

The majority of people cannot break the ‘program’ of this system which renders them a product of the system itself.

Operations have been activated that enable the breaking of this program by the collective mind and mentally liberate Humanity from this spell/trance-based mind-control system.

The control parameters of this system are based on a numerical progression of frequencies which is like a hypnotic pattern that entrains the mind by activating ancient responses that seem to have been programmed into the biology of the human. The ancient civilizations found ways to reverse this process and some have achieved liberation but if any Human DNA remains in the system then this uses the entanglement property to reel the rest of the species in through cloning and consciousness replication.

Essentially, the DNA is like an encrypted code that carries the transmission signature for the Human being. If this code is ‘cracked’ and utilized by the wrong groups then this enables them to replicate and mind-control Humans by creating false-realities and seemingly real temporal experiences that are actually being processed out by powerful supercomputer systems.

The ‘larger view’ is that this ‘solar-system’ is one of those powerful supercomputer systems that is designed to create a simulated Human experience by providing a kind of spatiotemporal ‘sandbox’ for simulating atomic, molecular and biological reactions. These reactions are then fed back to the signature of the Human essence that has been recorded and this continues a cycle of pseudo-life experiences that convinces the soul-essence it is here in this place, now, experiencing physical reality.

This sounds very far out but the truth is secret groups developed mind-control technology and simulated realities based upon what they discovered about this reality in itself. The computers reflect this reality and carry the same kind of glitches, as if this reality is a computerized system depending on feedback that is processed by some cosmic processor somewhere out of view.

The early ancient texts regarding the true nature of this reality were all about ‘hacking’ the system and achieving liberation from the mind-control agenda which seeks to computerize the human essence and quantize the information down to technologically conceivable and finite data of bits that can be manipulated and replicated by these interdimensional overlords that would then have gained access to not a pseudo-living physical reality construct but a soul-level domain one step closer to the eternal spirit.

The goal of the entities is to gain access to eternal spirit which is the gift of the One True Creator to the Awakened Human as a Spiritual Life Force of Self-Awareness. Without that Spark of the Divine the entities must use vampiric means to gain power and this indicates that they cannot generate their own sustenance and therefore do not have the capacity to create life or sustain themselves without the permission and presence of another. Thus, they do not have true power over themselves and are still in a predator-prey kind of behavioral system.

I’m going to unveil some to you now. Some people will say that they are ‘still ‘in a predator-prey behavioral system and that they evolve out and that we have evolved out. This is an illusion or a stark deception. Humanity did not evolve to this state but was Created out of a Divine Indwelling as a non-vampiric essence of pure intent, meaning the divine One True Creator intended that the Awakened Spiritual Humanity exist and therefore nothing can change that other than the free-will of the Human themselves. The intent of the One True Creator alone is enough to sustain the existence as an everlasting force of life. There is no such thing as death, there is no such thing as a requirement to destroy or self-destruct.

Humans were technologically downloaded into an advanced quantum-computer system that records and 4 dimensionally prints DNA and memory. They were then transferred, by way of quantum transmission, similar to the way DNA communicates across space-time instantly, through that computer system into an alternate dimension which is this “Universe”. That is the nature of this reality.

Without a 4-dimensional printer projecting the Human essence into this false-reality there would be no Earth-reality here as it is literally the domain of a computer-system, a fallen mind that separated from the intention of that One True Creator.

This means that this place has a negative net-worth and will ultimately dissolve into itself like a black-hole. Everything here is destined to dissolve unless there is an exit plan and that exit plan is everything that has been described in ancient history.

All the messengers were sent and delivered the message, this place is an illusion, it’s designed to fail, this universe is based on obsolescence and Humanity does not belong here but has been held prisoner through an act of Spiritual Warfare by interdimensional predators and parasites that do not carry the same signature of the Human and do not reside in the same level of reality.

This is the quantum-Spiritual ‘mishap’ of creation, that this whole system is contrived, it’s fraudulent, it’s designed for failure and everything about this society is DEMANDING that you RECOGNIZE this truth. SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING and KNOW THE TRUTH...”-Aug Tellez https://augtells.wordpress.com/2017/08/30/the-false-reality-construct-fallen-genetic-experimentation-interdimensional-mind-control/

The Global Mind Virus 

Facets of Mind Viruses

Facets of Mind Viruses

“A Mind Virus has The Global Hive Mind infected. This is an infection of the holographic system which consciousness operates through. There is a complete backstory of this virus in the history of this civilization and how society has been plagued for centuries, if not millennia. The basic idea is that this virus operates through consciousness and can be transmitted through electromagnetic waves.

The virus contains an etheric form which can manifest as a kind of crystalline nano-tech on the physical plane and this is a form of synthetic sentience which feeds on the low frequency bio-emissions of sentient life. Human bio-emissions contain energy and can act as a carrier for information and living essences. This technology requires low frequency bio-emissions because that is the nature of the design as a kind of synthetic bio-weapon whereby the goal is entrainment and enslavement. 

As well, the specific nature of the sentient nano-technology and the counterpart etheric holographic form is only capable of converting the low-frequency bio-emissions into energy as the higher-frequency bio-emissions require more energy to contain and synergize with and this would render the entire process of leeching energy non-productive.

This is essentially a synthetic intelligence that operates through scalar and holographic living bio-emission fields and hijacks electromagnetic emitters to position itself within them acting as a parasite to a host. This is said to have been present around this civilization for some time, waiting until there was enough technological advancement so that spreading across the entire civilization in a short amount of time before discovery would be possible. This is through the media, internet, and radio systems.

The physical counterparts are microscopic nano-technology parasites functioning as individual units to a hive mind similar to the mycelium of fungi in the field of mycoscopy. The individual units act as parasites serving to infest and deliver nutrients to the hive from each host...” Aug Tellez

Deep Density Displacement Model World Simulation AI

AI duplicates a Simulation of our Universe

AI duplicates a Simulation of our Universe

AI Simulates The Universe And Not Even Its Creators Know How It's So Accurate 

28 JUNE 2019-Michelle Starr

For the first time, scientists have used artificial intelligence to create complex, three-dimensional simulations of the Universe. It's called the Deep Density Displacement Model, or D3M, and it's so fast and so accurate that the astrophysicists who designed it don't even know how it does what it does

Sentient World Simulation (SWS): A Continuously Running Model of the Real World played out by our govts.

Simulation Reality

Simulation Reality

Sentient World Simulation (SWS): A Continuously Running Model of the Real World A Concept Paper for Comments Government POC
Tony Cerri Anthony.Cerri@je.jfcom.mil JFCOM J9,
Experimentation Engineering Lead, 757-203-3184 FAX 757-203-3198
Technical POC Dr. Alok Chaturvedi alok@purdue.edu Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907 765-494-9048 Version 2.0 August 22, 2006


Modeling and simulation quickly becomes out of sync with new events, the emergence of new forces, and newly proposed theories. The goal of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends. The ability of a synthetic model of the real world to sense, adapt, and react to real events distinguishes SWS from the traditional approach of constructing a simulation to illustrate a phenomena. Behaviors emerge in the SWS mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world. Basing the synthetic world in theory in a manner that is unbiased to specific outcomes offers a unique environment in which to develop, test, and prove new perspectives.

SWS consists of components capable of capturing new events as they occur anywhere in the world, focus on any local area of the synthetic world offers sufficient detail. In other words, the set of models that make up the synthetic environment encompass the behavior of individuals, organizations, institutions, infrastructures and geographies while simultaneously capturing the trends emerging from the interaction among entities as well as between entities and the environment. The multi-granularity detail provides a means for inserting new models of any temporal and spatial scales, or for incorporating user-supplied data at any level of granularity. Therefore, SWS can be continuously enriched and refined as new information becomes available.

SWS consists of the following components:

• A synthetic environment that supports Effects Based Approach and a comprehensive representation of the real world at all levels of granularity in terms of a Political, Military, Economic, Social, Informational, and Infrastructure (PMESII) framework.
• A scalable means of integrating heterogeneous components across time and space granularities.
• Mechanisms that discover, gather, and incorporate new knowledge into the continuously running
synthetic environment.

• A single façade of user interfaces enabling information from all sources (simulation generated data, parameters for models, and data gathered from the real world) to be searched, viewed and modified in an ontology-aware manner.
• Integrated Development Environments (IDE)s for constructing and configuring new models or modifying existing models and then incorporating these changes into the continuously running synthetic world.
• A means to take excursions from any point in time in the synthetic world to focus on select regions of the world, leverage private user data, or to research specific theories by simplifying the types of models to employ in the excursion.

SWS Components
The Core Synthetic Environment That Supports Pluralism of Thought
The core component of SWS is an agent-based environment named the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), designed to be agnostic to the type of simulations and choice of models in order to allow experimentation in the context of multiple and potentially conflicting theories. No single theory can adequately explain complex behavior, such as the rise or splitting of terrorist organizations. Each theory brings another perspective to the same phenomena. Only by combining these theories within the same environment can we gain a comprehensive perspective.

Analyst Interfaces & Tools Model Development Toolkits On Ramp Clustering Semantic Extraction Ontology -Based Data Integration Analytics Model Parameterization Model Development Toolkits SWS Reference World Synthetic World Ontological Representation PMESII Models Continuous Refinement Excursion Manager Configurable Excursions Collects Initialization Data Selects Subset of Models Persists Results Excursions Copies of Ref. World Use Private Data Branch from Calendar Date

 Figure 1: A conceptual view of the Sentient World Simulation

By basing the designing of the synthetic environment on a fractal representation, SWS avoids the most common pitfall faced by simulation environments: designing and optimizing an infrastructure for a parochial purpose and thereby limiting its application to a small range of problems. The fractal approach provides a consistent representation of the environment’s building blocks to models with all granularities of access. The basic building blocks consist of individuals, organizations, institutions, information, and geographies. From these building blocks, communities are built, constructed into societies, nations, and ultimately providing a synthetic world. Coarse-grained models use a small sample of the population and localized fine-grained models use a full sample of the population in an area. The same individual who experiences events from a fine-grained model can be influenced by a coarse-grained model. This approach to enabling heterogeneous models to interact is a Society of Models approach, described below.

SEAS provides all aspects of behavior within the PMESII categorization and enables the application of Effects Based Thinking to the reference world of SWS.

A Society Approach to Integration
The cross-disciplinary nature of SWS fosters collaboration among diverse modeling and simulation developers. This diversity necessitates an approach to integration that does not limit developers of SWS components to adopt a uniform design, especially in terms of the temporal and spatial granularities with which the components interact with the synthetic environment. The Society Approach implemented in the SimBridge technology addresses the need to integrate components in a scalable manner while preserving heterogeneity.

The Society Approach is applied to three areas in SWS to integrate models, simulations, and components. A Society of Models enables models to operate at diverse temporal and spatial granularities within the same synthetic environment. A Society of Models is employed by the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS) to integrate models ranging from global, regional, and national PMESII behaviors to near real-time emotional arousal.
A Society of Simulations captures the necessary data exchange among interacting simulations without requiring unscalable and difficult to maintain, centralized management. A Society of Simulations has been used to integrate SEAS with a tactical, kinetics federation of simulations, Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF). This integration is described more fully in Figure 1.
A Society of Systems extends the Society of Simulations to include non-simulation components, such as third party visualizations, enterprise system databases, analysis tools, and live sensor feeds.
A Society Approach fulfills the need of integrating with the goals of: • independent and concurrent development of components, heterogeneous and reusable components, and high fidelity of detail in a scalable system.
Sensitivity to Current Information Through Real-Time Knowledge Discovery
Continuously incorporating current information in SWS provides three key benefits that distinguish SWS from other initiatives at constructing a simulated environment:

• SWS remains up to date with respect to events and emerging trends.
• SWS leverages the prodigious amounts of data from all publicly available data sources,
something that is infeasible for a small number of analysts to gather in a timely manner.
• Models used by SWS are continuously refined, parameterized, and validated, keeping the underlying model base of SWS relevant across time.
Burgeoning technology in the area of knowledge discovery has matured so that Web crawlers and spiders are now used in research and industry. Applying this technology to news portals, blogs, and other internet sources enables large amounts of data to be gathered and processed in a short amount of time.

By considering all available data, automated data mining provides an unbiased means of incorporating data originating from multiple sources, and therefore, data from multiple perspectives. Additionally, interesting outliers are discovered through text, video, and transaction analytics.
Believability and reliability metrics are applied to weight the influence of data from different sources depending on the type of source, experience with data from the source, and the type of data. The believability and reliability are then taken into account when incorporating the data into the SWS synthetic world.

The discovery technology is coupled with a semantic engine that extracts semantics from the data. The semantics are used to prepare the gathered data for use by the simulations and to relate the data to knowledge already in the synthetic world.

Other sources of data besides the internet are incorporated using the same knowledge discover and semantic extraction, such as proprietary, enterprise system, and classified data sources (classified and proprietary data would only be incorporated in select excursions.)

The Ontological Representation of Knowledge

Using an ontological repository of knowledge, SWS augments analyst knowledge with simulation semantics. The SWS ontological representation differs from traditional database approaches in that it stores ontology as well as data. Ontology is a methodology for categorizing and annotating data based on logical, human conceptualizations of what the data means. Interactions with the ontological annotations of data in the repository are fundamentally different from the interactions allowed by the prevailing RDMS and OODBMS approaches to database management. Traditional approaches coordinate tools with data by identifying the physical data in queries whereas SWS enables coordination based on the semantic meaning of data. A piece of data can be annotated with different keywords from diverse disciplines. Analysts as well as automated processes can describe data needs using keywords from their own domains, enabling cross- disciplinary integration and a unified view of both real and synthetic information. A non-ambiguous data categorization and annotation process is also needed to support the distributed and incremental process.

Data is also tagged with its informational sources and temporal lifetime. Consequently, multiple experiments can be performed utilizing the same models combined with different points of views by sourcing data from different informational sources or conducting an experiment in the context of a specific calendar date.

A seminal integration of a knowledge repository with an active simulation environment was successfully deployed in Urban Resolve 2015 (UR 2015). The implementation of an ontological representation of knowledge, called eXtensible Net Assessment (xNA), was used to augment analyst knowledge with simulation semantics. Including xNA as a component of the prototype SWS deployed in UR2015 extends the Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) approach to provide a semantics-based integration of analyst knowledge, stored in a repository named Operational Net Assessment (ONA), with emergent simulation data. xNA supports multi-granularity and multi-disciplinary data to facilitate integration in the context of a diversity of models and data sources. xNA can also receive incremental data updates from analysts and automated data collection tools. More details on the prototype SWS are given in “JFCOM J9 Deployment of SWS 0.5” below.
Model Development IDEs

SWS provides a set of tools based on the ontological repository for use by experts from various domains to develop and experiment with models in the synthetic environment. A researcher begins with a set of theories to test. Using algorithms of how the theories interact with the rest of the synthetic world, the researcher creates models. The researcher designs a complete experiment environment using the new models and leveraging existing models by creating a profile consisting of a selection of parameters from the ontological data repository that fulfill the input requirements and support the experiment’s scenario.

SEAS Integrated Development Environment (SIDE) provides the tools to create and retrofit the artificial agents in SEAS. Researchers will first design new types of agents along with the DNA and memory these types of agents will have using the design interfaces of SIDE. The design interfaces also allow the DNA and memory of existing agent types to be modified. After creating new agent types, SIDE is used to configure the population makeup of the new agents in the synthetic environment.

After the creation of new agents, researchers use Just-in-time Modeling Environment (JIME) to create and modify the behaviors of agents. Agent behaviors can be mathematical models based on variables that the agents sense from the environment or can be described procedurally using a workflow engine, a customizable system composed of states, transitions, and messages. The behaviors describe how agents interact with their environment and other fellow agents.

Before incorporating the new agents into the reference world of SWS, agents are prudently tested in the Bullpen tool. Using Bullpen, the behavior of agents is observed in a limited and controlled environment. Researchers create profiles of environment variables for Bullpen experiments to observe the range of decisions an agent makes and agent’s resulting actions.
Additionally, the modeling environment of SWS is extensible using ModelNet. ModelNet is a collection of web-services that provides the functionalities of the aforementioned tools. Using the web-services, external modeling tools can be integrated into the SWS to enable researchers to use modeling tools that are best for their domain.

Excursion Management

SWS provides a configurable interface for configuring an excursion from the continuously running SWS reference world to meet the individual needs of a user. User needs addressed by the Excursion Manager include:
• Exploring multiple courses of action by taking different sets of actions in identical copies of the reference world.
• Using proprietary or classified data in a controlled experiment without interfering with the publicly accessible SWS.
• Constructing a synthetic environment for only a portion of the world or including only certain models, simulations, tools, visualizations, or data sources.
• Conducting simultaneous excursions in different areas of the world and merging the nonproprietary and unclassified results together.
Once an excursion is configured, the Excursion Manager fulfills the following:
• Designs a Society of Simulations, consisting of the user-configured choice of simulations and components and any other components that the simulations depend on (referred to as members.)
• Sets up shared reality, the space shared among all members that are active in the excursion.
• For each excursion, pulls appropriate information for a specified calendar date from the ontological repository to meet the members’ input requirements.
• Persists significant simulation results in the ontological repository, tagged with this excursion’s identifier, for later analysis and cross-excursion analysis.
JFCOM J9 Deployment of SWS 0.5 for UR 2015
Figure 2: Components of SWS v0.5
JFCOM showcased the first prototype of SWS, SWS v0.5, in the Urban Resolve 2015 (UR 2015) exercise. UR 2015 was set in a synthetic urban setting and consisted of both simulation and real-time HITL inputs. SWS 0.5 consisted of SEAS environment, a Society of Simulations and Systems implemented through SimBridge, a deployment of xNA with knowledge from a classified repository and data from research on public data, and an Excursion Manager.
Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS)
JFCOM has used SEAS to conduct a number of HITL experiments, providing the ability to evaluate the Effects Based Approach, in Sea Viking 05, Multinational Experiment 4, and UR 2015. Each deployment built on the previous, serving as stepping stones in the development of SWS.
Virtual International System (SEAS-VIS)
The SEAS-VIS model is a representation of the Institutions, Organizations, Leaders, Individuals, and Infrastructure that make up a society. The geography of a society is modeled at various levels including City, Province, Country, Region, and World in terms of Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) nodes. The virtual environment integrates multiple theories from various disciplines to program behaviorally accurate agents with dynamic rules that govern and guide their actions and interactions. SEAS-VIS facilitates a seamless and interchangeable integration of human and software agents and allows for testing the efficacy of theories, decisions, strategies, and tools.

SEAS-VIS offers the ability to do course of action (COA) analysis, test hypotheses, learn through experimentation, conduct effects-based operations and planning, and develop and refine Operational Net Assessment (ONA). The product allows the user to evaluate and manage the challenges of international crises.

Near Real Time (SEAS-NRT)
SEAS-NRT consists of human behavior models that are best suited to a short period of time (within hours), such as crowding and rioting, escalation of emotional arousal, and terrorist personnel collaborating in improvised explosive device attacks. Following the fractal approach to representing an environment, the SEAS-NRT models operate on the same entities that SEAS-VIS models operate on. In this way, SEAS- NRT and SEAS-VIS are coupled together in a Society of Models. Individuals respond to the media and world public opinion models in SEAS-VIS, placing the individual in a dynamic global context,