Wands of Horus: Quartz Wands
What Are The Wands of Horus?
The "Wands of Horus" project is dedicated to the study of the technologies received from the "gods", which allowed the ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs, overcoming the "boundary of death", to comprehend the mystery of the mechanism of reincarnation, attain knowledge of oneself and the surrounding world, as well as, by touching "eternity", to perceive the concept of the evolution of the Universe.
"Wands of Horus", with which the priests and pharaohs did not part throughout their lives, are harmonizers of the two main energy flows the Egyptians called "BA-KA".
In the Egyptian spiritual worldview "BA-KA" were considered as two components of the human essence, two sources of vital energy. Interacting with each other in the organism "BA-KA" support the life process and the human being exists free of health problems.
However, what the priests knew about the "BA-KA" principle was much more.
Beside the generally known properties, "BA-KA" were regarded as two counter-flows of Time. One flow (KA) accelerates, and the other (BA) slows down the speed of processes taking place in nature. The interaction of these counter-flows has a decisive effect on the most important factor in the life function of any organism – the flow rate of the internal biological time.
According to the instructions of the "gods" the two counter-flows of time should be harmonized (balanced) within the human being and synchronized with the time field and the energy rhythms (shells) of the Earth.
To synchronize the energy shells of the human being and the Earth and regulate the "BA-KA" balance to conserve inner biological time in the body, the ancients used a special instrument – "Wands of Horus", cylinders with specific fillers, which have a specific effect on the biorhythms of the organism…” Valery Uvarov