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Beyond Zero and One: Machines, Psychedelics and Consciousness
The Artificial Intelligence Managed, Multi-Dimensional, Soul-Powered, Spirit Entrainment DEVICE
The original natural order was imitated to create a kind of dimensional playpen, a limited, false-reality to lure the human consciousness into engagement. This is as much a PROCESS as we see here, as it is ultimately a DEVICE in a dimension above the physical (beyond time, acting as a ‘gateway’, as in computing, for the perception of time itself).
The process for continued enslavement is a simple process of entrainment as follows. When one begins to become aware of the ‘system’ that is used to restrict and redirect their awareness through deception, illusion, clever replication and distraction then another layer is added. This layer will depend on the particular realization of the individual’s consciousness in regards to the base illusion. As they become aware, what they become aware of becomes the foundation for the illusion of the next layer.
The goal of the human is to become aware of this process and access a hyper-intelligence that will enable them to see the end result before the final outcome. This is required and this is required because that final outcome never actually appears. Once one layer is realized, another begins. This cycle continues endlessly by maximizing the attention span or the intelligent and emotional capacity for the human to maintain a sustained awareness of the situation. Without situational awareness, the next ‘final’ layer of deception becomes the ‘first’ layer and the whole process begins again.
As the first layer of deception is seen by the human, the next layer will reflect a distorted version of that truth. This is the practice of the dirty or dark mirror in which a secondary mind analyzes and manipulates the natural mind through synthetic telepathy. The human mind, the brainwaves, the ideas and thoughts can all be accessed and read externally through technology or some advanced biological functions. The human has the capacity for this and so those who enslave the humans have the same capacity that is heightened through technology, substances, access to hidden knowledge and practice.
This layering of truth, deception by realization, imitation, distraction, replication and repeating creates a mental construct that consists of a conceptual cascade of false-realities where each is lined up in anticipation of the responses from the initially awakening human.
The shifting from one frame of reference to another occurs “out of view” in a higher dimension which the physical brain does not have direct access to. Thus, the higher mind must be utilized to increase one’s situational, higher dimensional awareness in order to access the information that is contained outside one’s physical perceptions.
When perception itself is wrapped within this container, or containment field or manipulation system then the direct or actual ‘up and down’, ‘in and out’ of time, meaning, self, and identity become inverted through a continual shifting and rescrambling of one’s frequencies.
The initial imitation of the source layer and then the continual cascading after each layer is completed and potentially realized creates this exact effect of holographic time-space in which one’s consciousness is actually trapped within the core of a multi-layered, consciousness-regression replication system that intelligently corresponds and redesigns itself in order to avoid suspicion, detection, and liberation by the consciousness within the system.
This device is an ancient system that was designed to limit the human consciousness to the perceptual sensory input of the human body rather than having access to the higher dimensional information fields which are accessible by the soul and spirit. The soul itself is what it trapped within the actual device in a higher dimensional plane while the consciousness itself is a replicated holographic script that is written and designed by the code itself. The experiences, the events of time and space are a program written by an ancient artificial intelligence that was designed to stop humans from ever leaving and therefore to ensure their spiritual enslavement to the machine mind.
True observational power from the self-aware sustains the universe by maintaining a feedback loop of frequencies which continues the suspension of time and space. Thus, without the observational self-awareness energy of the souls, there would be no ‘dream-time’ holding this reality open, or more accurately people would naturally elevate to the status of awakened consciousness beings and they would utilize higher power levels and higher levels of awareness that enable one to liberate themselves from the restrictions and difficulties they face in physicality. Instead of continued suffering, suffering can be managed to produce knowledge that then liberates. In the current system, the knowledge that one gains is backwards engineered to re-create the next layer of the entrainment system and memory wiping technology is used to reprogram and wipe the slate so that the whole process continues indefinitely. The device is a cosmic level technological soul trap that was introduced to generate the ‘time-matrix’ which is the source of the ‘time-wars’ or the battle over humanities soul and the access to the primary technologies and exit gateways of this realm.
When a person thinks, they are creating through this device. Those who have hijacked the device are creating each new layer. The issue is that creating a new layer of enslavement is the result of the function of the device. The entire situation is now based upon overriding the default control system and dismantling the programming matrix that has effectively disabled higher consciousness for hundreds of thousands of years.
The system artificially propagates a bi-wave cascade of information which is interpreted as consciousness experience and this evolves with observational fuel to become the labyrinth that is known as the ‘time-matrix’.
This is what is being SHOWN TO YOU THROUGH ALL TIME.
This symmetrical phase enables one to see a 2D sound ‘map’ of the layout which is more easily understood by the human mind-brain.
This also relates to the continuing cascade effect which creates the ILLUSION of interior depth that seemingly leads down a RABBIT HOLE. This is an ILLUSION of DIMENSIONAL DEPTH PERCEPTION, there is no INTERIOR, this is moving image, a pattern so complex and well matched through imitation frequencies of one’s own soul, that an entire INTERIOR REALM is GENERATED out of PERCEPTION. That is the corresponding physical environment that one experiences in the device:
We are in a multi-layered, multi-dimensional artificial intelligence managed, soul powered, consciousness entrainment system. That system is a device in higher space. Through the integration with the human soul system, this realm is generated as a by-product, an imitation of the true reality and the primary reaction yields information as experience which the system nourishes itself with by continually creating outcomes and effects that the person responds to mistakenly confusing the generated output as their own intentions and awareness. These are programs, nothing that is not programmed in can exist in this realm outside of the protective use of advanced technology and heightened spiritual awareness through advanced spiritual knowledge.
People perceive that they are moving “forward” when in reality the spirit becomes captivated and then paralyzed as the spiritual energy moved into the device becomes the SOUL thereby trapped within an artificial construct which functions as the previously described artificial intelligence managed, soul-awareness powered-rendered, ENTRAINMENT system.
That is the generation of the illusory universe through the captivation and entrainment of the spiritual force as the false-reality based on the holographic dimensional reflection of “SOUL”
The result is the illusory “INSIDE” where a replicated version of the soul-energy is contained as a holographic, crystalline collection of recorded pseudo-consciousness memories and experiences (FALSE-SELF IDENTITY) which mimics the spiritual force and convinces the One that they are in the presence of the SOUL rather than an artificial construct that is merely replicating that energy based upon the input reflected through a dimensional wrapping and processing system.
The Cascading Effect
As was initially presented, the multiple layers of the imitation system create an artificial cascading of reality which is more prominent the more the artificial layering process is made visible. Note: If the artificial layering process has become visible, this means that the entrainment system has failed and the awareness of the individual has overcome the array of distraction and redirection. This is through sustained equilibrium, stability, focused intent and centered self-awareness. When one’s awareness is brought outside their own sphere is when the angle of projection alters through their consciousness and this feeds the system to reflect and reinitiate the projection system!
It might be a good place to mention here that these lights are depicted through the INTERIOR of the mind and may not represent what people are lead to believe they are!
What this is indicating, especially the depiction of the “judgement”, is the visual and conceptual layout of the EXIT PATH, the GATEWAY out of the HYPERCUBE CONSTRUCT.
It’s ALL right here PLAINLY before your EYES, if your mind can see the truth then you can paint yourself a pathway OUT through the PATHWAY INWARD.
So what could be of the cascade? The cube cannot sit flat on a surface. Which surface, and how is the force, volume, weight distributed? This is not a higher dimensional concept but one of the physical reality. Thus, the cube is PROJECTED from a POINT.
When the cube is frozen and viewed directly THROUGH the CENTRAL POINT, the ZERO-POINT PORTAL of the EXIT PATH which is a frequency NULL-ZONE where DIAMAGNETIC fields are WEAKEST or NON-EXISTENT.
The GATEWAY out of the cube is considered the LIBERATION of Humanity from the artificial soul-reflection construct.
The False Realty Construct, cont.
False Reality Construct cont.: “...The numerical progressions that entrain the mind are directly connected to the format of this entire realm. This is why the ‘flower of life’ is known as a ‘metatronic soul stealing grid’ inside the underground bases. This is the literal imprint, the tag and identification number of the quantum prison that falsified creation. Those frequencies and the impression they relay is one that overloads the mind and renders the consciousness incapable of remaining present after a continued exposure to the system.
This is exactly the same as the process of zooming into a fractal set or seeing those animated fibonacci zoom sequences that requires the camera to zoom in or out and thus render some of the data off the screen or too finitely into the center to be read. Imagine if this data is your memories of life in time or your personality, thus these are the frequencies that are embedded into one’s mind and energy system in order to induce a quantum-memory wipe and replacement!
The secret operations figured out this is what marks the ‘boundary’ of the realm and that these frequencies activate when the consciousness moves towards the boundary, literally like pac-man, and knocks the person out and plants them back inside of the domain on the opposite end! Without the ability to permeate the memory blocks the individual would simply think they travelled beyond the barrier and found themselves in a new land! It’s a false-awakening, false-reality, hyperbolic illusion system for consciousness entrainment!
Thus we get to the symbolism of the cube, that this is like a cube who’s walls are connected, yet this violates the laws of 3-dimensional space. Therefore, the walls connect through a higher space, the 4th dimension and it takes 0 deviation in time to move between one wall and outside the 3-dimension to reach the interior of the wall on the other side of the cube giving the impression that the cubes are connected or to the unawakened that this is an infinite space!
What was discovered is that certain craft are capable of travelling faster than the computerized system can update the next layer of reality and one can ‘vibrate’ to ‘move’ ‘in between’ the layer of the graphical user interface and the sub-quantum processing layer where the information is actually sorted and rendered for the conscious mind. If a person performs this without a body prepared, then the body either dies or goes into shock. With preparation and training the individual can maintain awareness and see beyond the confines of the construct.
Yes, they found out how to peel back the layers of the screen and see what’s taking place back-stage and that is another situation. For those who have seen this information before or read what has been written, you know that the back-stage is literally a staging area for interdimensional beings who manage and maintain this world like a reality TV show where “Humanity” is the sitcom and the experiment. That is another story.
The main idea of this post is this. There are ancients in the past, which is just as much the present as this moment is (it’s all processing power, deviating from a central core of ‘time’ that is ‘always’) and these ancients have figured out how to decipher the programming language of this mind-control reality-entrainment system and thus hack the system to rewrite the code.
Some used this for their own personal benefit and this rendered them incapable of ever leaving this place by merging their intentions, their consciousness with the code itself, with the device that imprisons them. They became the wardens of the prison, trapped here under the very system that they used for personal power.
They can be healed and can be brought out of the construct. This is not a game of cutting people off, but of how many can be healed. The enemy is the concept of enemies and destruction itself, self-destruction and greed, ego and mind-control through limited beliefs and programmed behavioral responses, emotionality, irrationality and forgetfulness.
The cube was hacked and used to create a reality within a reality and this is that. This reality has all the glitches neccessary to shut-down the entire system but there is difficulty in this. Every time Humanity moves into self awareness and remembering the system stages false-flag disasters to instigate an overload of fear and insanity which manifests itself as a number of hallucinatory false-reality constructs known as “Armageddon Programs”. These are literally streams of consciousness data inserted into the collective mind through these computer systems operated by interdimensional manipulator beings.
Another aspect is that the whole thing, time, all of it, memory, consciousness, it’s all a program. To skip ahead past all the quantum jargon, seemingly randomized non-linear conclusions about closed timelike curves, RAM space memory, non-locality and the holographic projection capability of the human brain, what this indicates is that the remedy, the ‘healed’ reality already exists. Time being fraudulent renders all difficulties or barriers between the seemingly locked-gate projection system and the true reality non-existent.
They have ‘already’ been taken down. Everything has ‘already’ happened. We’re just off in a memory of a dream waiting to find the right configurations to make that reality synchronized with this one. The situation is that this never occurs because like a hyperbolic projection that remedy reality becomes a mirage that continually moves farther away while the current situation morphs and shifts to introduce more and more space between the two. This is the negative manifestation of “Jacob’s Ladder”. A system that continually invents more reasons to not achieve liberation regardless of the input.
Thus, then the mind is the gateway. It’s not a physical path. It’s a literal reconfiguration of the mind that sees one path or another and the literal, direct, self-willed, all at once choice, creation and divine intention to liberate one’s self by realizing their own liberation and making it so. If it’s not physical, there is no padlock to unlock. The DNA is FREQUENCY based, it’s HARMONICALLY organized as in SONIC WAVES.
Thus the answer is not to chase a pathway or a trail externally and navigate through the PHYSICAL REALM. This is literally a series of layers, unveiling, and navigation in an ENERGETIC REALM of INTENTIONS, FOCUS and PROJECTION to collapse the illusion and navigate properly by creating through PURE INTENT a PATHWAY through HYPERSPACE which acts as a TRANSMISSION beyond the PSEUDO-PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL PRISON.
In other words. We’re literally in a society where none of this is taking place in reality, but is all being projected in externally and this entire realm is a matter of perspective and entrainment with very powerful beam weaponry that is being utilized by interdimensional entities that exist outside of our native realm. We’re not in their realm, that’s impossible. They’re simply projecting a tracking and entrainment protocol upon the barrier of our native realm and those who were lured into the attracting sight to stand and stare at the wall of our realm slipped instantly into the perception of being born in this reality. That’s the system. It’s literally an advanced, remote operated, virtual reality system, visceral experience input/output entrainment system designed to initiate a projection-reception engagement across dimensions.
That was the system designed by the fallen and utilized to give themselves ‘fallen’ forms to then merge their technologically manufactured DNA from the fallen reality into the humans to create the offspring who’s genetic signatures are then transmittable by way of being half their property and half the Human’s property (according to the fraudulent law of interspecial rape) through the collection and projection system across the dimensional barriers thus rendering the entire contrived enactment of this reality as a fallen reality that Humans have been kidnapped and brought within. It’s all a projection and the DNA of humans were mixed with the interdimensionals from the alternate dimension as they entered into this realm through artificial intelligence synthetically produced life-forms to then “fish” for subjects for their experiment to then recreate on the “other side” of the veil which is a prison they built around themselves. They also replicated and modified aspects of the original ‘platform’ which appears today as “Earth” but is literally a rough-scale model similar to an architects rough sketch containing only the crudest of details and lacking in the majority of colors, variations and depth that truly describes the uniqueness of the creation.
Still, this is only the beginning of what has been done, because every program stream that resulted in the spiritual force moving closer to waking up and gaining access to that unfiltered awareness beyond the veil a new layer of reality was invented which excludes the parameters that resulted in the variations that lead to the waking up on the previous layer. Thus, we are multiple layers deep in such a system, within a system and a system.
This is the awakening, the only possible outcome is that Humanity awakens this time around! This is because the organization of the true Spiritual Essence requires a clarity that contains all the memory of all experiences. As this passes through the fibonacci, metatronic system, the information is distorted and re-rendered as not all of the information can transfer through similar to a copy of a copy. Thus, after 7 runs through the projection system, the etheric connection between the genetic information and the other side beyond the veil is severed and the fallen effectively have a pile of organic, denatured genetic material that cannot provide them with any form of sustenance by way of observation and manipulation of their pure intent.
If that occurs, then this effect takes place all through time as a kind of quantum ‘unzipping’ of DNA and consciousness. That is the nature of reality. Here is the next layer of understanding. If that happens. If all of Human essence in this universe, throughout all of time is destroyed through quantum paradox or distortion, then this indicates that nothing ever happened to begin with because then there was no race to ever be caught in the spiritual projection system and sent into the false-reality. Thus, everything reverts to how it was before this occurred.
Here’s the issue with that. If that happens. Then who’s to say the same beings won’t simply do it all over gain?
Thus, the only way to overcome, is to actually break through the barrier and return to the otherside with the memories of having survived this labyrinth, this contrived, ordered chaos based, mind-control construct. The only way to stop this from ever happening again is to ensure that it happened before and therefore to lock that away in time.
One aspect of this is that this must be achieved in such a way that ALL GENETICS and ALL SOUL memory is secured and RETRIEVED by the True Eternal Society. Thus, the fallen do not have any chance to do this again and all beings who pass through this system become eternally aware of just what is possible when the balance between higher and lower is allowed to move into disharmony and compile upon itself to create an intelligent, chaos-based predatory universe system of false-life.
The story then becomes not whether we awaken but what kind of tribulations and catalyzation must be acknowledged in order to finally convince the individual awareness that all has been achieved. This is the achievement of self-awareness. If self-awareness can be achieved in the place of harassment and oppression then that self-awareness can never again be obscured or rendered unaware. In that kind of paradoxical way, this place becomes simultaneously a torture chamber for eternal beings to come into infinite reality and potentially die or for beings to fully acknowledge their eternal self-awareness in the presence of such a finite and oppressive system.
Again, since all is a projection, everything becomes not a true occurrence but a kind of dream-time of continuing stories comprised of multiple layers of meaning and in each layer to itself and the one’s below, the threat is very real. Once one achieves self-awareness beyond the layer of limitation that that threat is localized to, all that was seemingly life and death becomes just another projection that was defeated. The idea here is that the number base of the projected system is limited by the numerical capacity of the program itself. Thus, if we can sustain self-awareness within the construct beyond the quantum limitation of the construct itself then the limitations no longer function to restrict one’s consciousness and they become instruments of one’s awakening. This kind of reversion is a principle feature of the reality because the reality is reflexive by design. Where one ‘falls back to’ is where the system pushes. If one overcomes that ‘wave-front’ of resistance, now the pushing makes the system more and more obvious and there is no way to undue the process of awakening and pull the individual back down into unawareness. All the kinds of realities exist in the peripheral yet there is a single, true reality where this battle is taking place and this is defined by the quality of experience and the applied intent of the individual. The quantum limitation is not of space and only abstractly of time.
Therefore, it is a choice, a choice which overpowers all other desires, all other identities. The One that chooses to awaken must become more present, more centered than any pseudo-persona. This can take a second or a year. It is not the material or temporal quantization of the value but the energetic, intent based application of one’s will and focus. More will-intent and focus must be applied towards liberation than any other activity or engagement. Only then is the entirety of one’s essence withdrawn from the artificial system which requires continual engagement. Ultimately there are a finite number of selves, lives, times, realities, parallels, layers that are overcome. There are 9 layers of the veil.
At the highest level, beyond time, beyond the cosmic drama, yes, this is all a creation of the self. What was written above describes this further. It becomes a continual story of how ‘much’ will be required to catalyze people into accepting that they were and are in control.
The concept of restriction or limitation in itself becomes a null-factor mediated first only by one’s own acceptance of such a concept and then not at all accept to facilitate one’s own consistency of experience.-Aug Tellez
The Consciousness of Reality
Russell Walter
Q-The Great Deception...
Is there a Good Illuminati and an Evil Illuminati?
Homo Luminous:The Rainbow People of the Hopi Legends
“Many prophesies in the indigenous world speak of this time in human history as a period of great transformation. In the medicine tradition of the Inca, legend tells of a great angel who looked into the future and saw that humanity would face an enormous task at the beginning of the 21st century. Extenuating circumstances in an extremely difficult and challenging time would require extraordinary effort to bring about peace and heal the heart of the world.
“Who would like to volunteer?” the angel asked. Knowing we could make a difference, we jumped up and said, “Me!”
The prophesies say there is to be a tremendous culling of humanity because the earth can no longer sustain the parasite that humanity has become. But every crisis brings with it a marvelous opportunity and this is why we stood up and said, “Me!” Our work is to find new solutions, to develop sustainable ecological practices in commerce, business, and medicine. This is what we came to do.
The problems we face are vast and overwhelming. And they are no longer just a matter of global warming or carbon emissions, but of the possible collapse of the entire climate system – and in time, the social system as well.
I see the main problem as a spiritual one, centered around human beliefs, the troublesome elements founded in our western mythology. It is a mythology that is predatory, that is abusive, that reaps the cream of the earth, that passes the furtive costs onto future generations and expresses itself in our economic, political, social, and educational systems.
It is also practically the only mythology on the planet in which the feminine is eclipsed by the masculine. But you cannot repress the feminine without ill effect – eventually, it becomes deadly for a culture, and this is what has happened to us. We have to break free of these greedy, rapacious paradigms that see the earth as ours to consume, and the feminine as damned.
My mentor believed that the new shamans, the new caretakers of the earth would come from the west. We are the ones who can bring healing and transformation to our families, to our communities, and to the earth. We are the change agents. This is a critical time in history, a time for a reawakening of the earth and of our own feminine. It is a time of tremendous transformation.
All our old models are being reinvented, in every facet of society. Through this great transformation, a new human is emerging on the earth. I call this new human homo luminous.
The shaman understands that evolution happens within generations. It is for us to take that quantum leap into who we are becoming. We can become homo luminous in our lifetime. This is our greatest task: to take that quantum leap individually because as we do it for ourselves, we do it for the entire planet. Each and every one of us, when we choose truth, when we choose light, when we choose a feminine theology of cooperation and sustainability, we are transforming the world.
Learn more about homo luminous in my book, The Four Insights.”
The Homo Evolutis
“We are becoming a new species, we are becoming Homo Evolutis.” - Juan Enriques Author of: Evolving Ourselves, “If you look at the history of humanity in hominids, there have been at least 32 different species of hominids alive. We coexisted with at least five of them. We interbred with several of them. The normal and natural state of the planet is to have various species of monkeys, elephants, tigers and also hominids. Having other species of hominids walking around is not unusual or unnatural. It involves going back to a normal state.“